Nov 21, 2010

French kiss

A French kiss is a kiss, usually romantic or sexual, in which one participant's tongue touches the other's tongue and usually enters his or her mouth.
In many parts of the world, 'tongue kissing' as a public display of affection is discouraged and may even be regarded as taboo.

The colloquial term, "French kissing", does not necessarily stem from France. In France, it is referred to as 'baiser amoureux' (love kiss) or 'baiser avec la langue' (kiss with the tongue), even if in past times it was also known as baiser florentin (Florentine kiss). Notably in some northern parts of France, it is spoken as 'baiser anglais' (English kiss).[citation needed]

In French slang, a "French kiss" is called a "patin" (ice skating shoe) or a "galoche". Doing a French kiss is referred to "rouler un patin" (roll a skate, as in ice skating shoe) or "rouler une pelle" (roll a shovel). The term 'French Kiss' is cited in Private Lindner’s Letters: Censored and uncensored letters, anecdotes, sketches, a collection of items gathered during World War I and published in 1939:

So I have decided to become a linguist. Being able to read French fluently and speak it wretchedly, and to speak German connectively but not to read it at all, I am taking up Luxembourg, which is a wonderful blend of the two, a sort of liaison between tongues. (Not to be confused with French kissing.)
—Clarence R. Lindner


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